The RapidSpellChecker Bean component is of particular use in non-GUI scenarios such as the web. Below is a very simple excerpt of how this component can be used.
......... RapidSpellChecker c = new RapidSpellChecker(); BadWord badWord; Enumeration suggestions; //check some text. c.check("This is sume text."); //iterate through all bad words in the text. while((badWord = c.nextBadWord())!=null){ System.out.println(badWord.getWord() + "- is not spelt correctly. Suggestions:"); try{ //get suggestions for the current bad word. suggestions = c.findSuggestions().elements(); //display all suggestions. while(suggestions.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(suggestions.nextElement()); } //change the bad word in the text with "replacement". c.changeBadWord("replacement"); } catch (NoCurrentBadWordException e){ System.err.println(e); } } System.out.println(c.getAmendedText()); .........